Monday, January 23, 2012

I cant drive 55/ Day 23

I don't really enjoy driving, anytime I go somewhere with someone else I mostly like for them to drive (unless they're a pokey driver). Today has been full of driving, way more than I like for a Monday! I drove from Georgetown to Paris to take B to school from there to Lexington to take my car to the dealership, back to Paris to work. After work I drove from Paris to Lexington to pick up my car, then home to Georgetown to make dinner then back to Lexington for B's soccer training then finally I will get to go home and fall in my bed. Driving is exhausting and I know I couldn't do it for a living, kudos to those who do. The only thing that made it ok was the beautiful sunshine today, sunshine makes everything better, even a manic Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! You used your wonderful husband's favorite song for inspiration. LOL! I love to drive fast!!! One of my favorite things to do.
