I was weak tonight and gave in to my ice cream craving.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunshine/ Day 30
Today was kind of a crazy day (and it's not over yet). I started off my work day watching a guy try to run from getting arrested only to be tackled and cuffed on the floor, the rest of my day was not as exciting but still busy. On the plus side it was a beautiful day outside, sunny and 56 in January is awesome and you will never hear me complain that we aren't having real winter weather. Thank God for the sunshine today because a little dose of vitamin d goes a long way to making a crazy day a pretty good day.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Slacker / Days 26-29
This week I have been somewhat of a slacker. I have taken a picture everyday, just been lazy and haven't posted anything. Maybe because I have felt sinus issues coming on and have been taking these and going to bed early to try to fight it off.
Friday I had a GNO (girl's night out) with some friends to see One For the Money which is a based on the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. The movie was cute and pretty true to the books, although Katherine Higel is not Jersey enough in my opinion. If you haven't read the books they are funny, suspensful fast reads.
Saturday I spent the afternoon shopping with my sister and then the evening playing poker (losing money). Always a good time, even when I lose.
Today was indoor soccer, go to the grocery, make some yummy crockpot lasagna (recipe can be found here), and craft a birthday present ( instructions can be found here) (told you I love Pinterest!).
Crockpot Lasagna |
Bday present (hope the person it is for doesn't read this before tomorrow) |
And just to add some cuteness here is a picture of our newest niece Eleanor who was born on Jan 9.
(picture by Kersten Green photography) |
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Pink Fudge and Pinterest /Day 24
I have already said I love all things crafty, I also love easy recipes that are tasty. If you haven't heard of this website called Pinterest you should check it out. It's a virtual pin board where after installing a bookmarklet you can "pin" all the cool stuff you find on the internet and find it all in one place. You can also follow other people's boards and see what they're posting too! I have found everything from crafts and recipes to colors of nail polish I want to try. There's an app too! I love this new time waster! Tonight we had crock pot potato soup for dinner which I saw on there and has become a favorite, and today I saw this super cute 2 ingredient strawberry fudge and decided to make it as a treat. All you do is melt chocolate (or white chocolate in this case) chips (12oz) and mix with a tub of frosting (your choice but strawberry in this case), spread in a greased (or parchment lined) 9x9 pan and chill for 30 minutes. How easy is that?? It's pretty yummy, although I can't wait to try other combinations.
Here's a picture (not near as cute as the original picture but I am a messy cook).
Here's a picture (not near as cute as the original picture but I am a messy cook).
Monday, January 23, 2012
I cant drive 55/ Day 23
I don't really enjoy driving, anytime I go somewhere with someone else I mostly like for them to drive (unless they're a pokey driver). Today has been full of driving, way more than I like for a Monday! I drove from Georgetown to Paris to take B to school from there to Lexington to take my car to the dealership, back to Paris to work. After work I drove from Paris to Lexington to pick up my car, then home to Georgetown to make dinner then back to Lexington for B's soccer training then finally I will get to go home and fall in my bed. Driving is exhausting and I know I couldn't do it for a living, kudos to those who do. The only thing that made it ok was the beautiful sunshine today, sunshine makes everything better, even a manic Monday.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Keep Calm and Carry On / Day 20
Keep Calm and Carry On was a poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of the Second World War, intended to raise the morale of the British public in the event of invasion. It was rediscovered in 2000 and is now being reproduced all over the place. I see versions of it everywhere these days but today I feel inspired by it. I am a worrier and know that I worry about things that are crazy and are very minuscule in the grand scheme of things. Yesterday afternoon my husband called to tell me that at work all the managers had been called into a meeting to learn that due to rising costs and lower sales they were restructuring and unfortunately that meant that a lot of positions would be eliminated leading to a loss of jobs. They told them if their job was directly affected then they would receive a call within 1 hour to schedule a meeting. I imagine it was very hard for them all to "keep calm and carry on". We are very thankful that my husband did not get the call and that he was told today that he is safe. It's a sad time for a lot of people who lost their jobs and it's going to be a trying time even for those who got to stay on. So my hope is that everyone has the faith to "keep calm and carry on" knowing that everything happens for a reason. Please pray for those who lost their jobs (and buy Pepsi.)
"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." ~Matthew 6:34
"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." ~Matthew 6:34
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Blah! / Day 19
I feel like poo today and this pillow is my friend, not feeling like blogging but didn't want to skip a day.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Happy Birthday B! / Day 18
The past 13 years have flown by, entirely too fast for the mother in me. Today I have a teenager, and that makes me a little sad, but as most mothers will tell you no matter how old she gets she will always be my baby. I had B when I was only 19 so I wasn't much more than a baby myself and I sure didn't have a clue what motherhood would mean for me. I can tell you this I loved that baby with everything in me and my love for her has only grown bigger every day. Things didn't work out between her dad and I but I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. We have had some great times and some hard times but those times have only made us both stronger and closer. She is amazing and there were times when she was defintely the only thing that kept me going.
B is everything I wish I had been in middle school. She is so smart and I know that will open many opportunities for her, I see her going very far in life. Her current future aspiration is to be a lawyer/judge and I know if that is what she truly wants that she has every chance of making that come true. She is also gorgeous and the thing that makes her most beautiful is the smile that lights up her eyes. She is athletic, something I was, and probably will never be. I think that playing soccer has been fabulous for her and I am glad she is learning to be a part of a team and to enjoy exercise. She has a big heart and is way kinder than I am, I try to learn from that and hope that she doesn't get too jaded in her teenage years to keep it that way.
I think that she is my greatest accomplishment and know she is my biggest joy. I know that the teenage years can be tough but I know that we both have the love and strength and trust to come out on the other side with our great relationship only stronger. Although I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for her I am sad that she's not a little girl anymore and she doesn't need me quite as much as she used to. I am one proud mom and I hope she has even the slightest idea of how much she is loved and that mama is always her #1 fan.
"I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life:" ~ Abraham Lincoln
B is everything I wish I had been in middle school. She is so smart and I know that will open many opportunities for her, I see her going very far in life. Her current future aspiration is to be a lawyer/judge and I know if that is what she truly wants that she has every chance of making that come true. She is also gorgeous and the thing that makes her most beautiful is the smile that lights up her eyes. She is athletic, something I was, and probably will never be. I think that playing soccer has been fabulous for her and I am glad she is learning to be a part of a team and to enjoy exercise. She has a big heart and is way kinder than I am, I try to learn from that and hope that she doesn't get too jaded in her teenage years to keep it that way.
I think that she is my greatest accomplishment and know she is my biggest joy. I know that the teenage years can be tough but I know that we both have the love and strength and trust to come out on the other side with our great relationship only stronger. Although I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for her I am sad that she's not a little girl anymore and she doesn't need me quite as much as she used to. I am one proud mom and I hope she has even the slightest idea of how much she is loved and that mama is always her #1 fan.
"I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life:" ~ Abraham Lincoln
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
This time 13 years ago / Day 17
Can you remember what you were doing this date this time 13 years ago? I can! This time 13 years ago I was a scared 19 year old being admitted to the hospital in labor. I couldn't even begin to imagine the ways my life would change when I had that beautiful
baby girl a little more than 10 hours later. To be continued..........
baby girl a little more than 10 hours later. To be continued..........
Monday, January 16, 2012
Birthday Pie / Day 16
Around here we like to celebrate birthdays and usually end up celebrating in different ways with different people and have birthday week. I feel like you should be made to feel special on your birthday. Today was celebration #2. I ask B what she wanted me to cook and she requested meatloaf (one of my specialties), mashed potatoes, corn pudding and rolls. She's not much on on cake so she picked her favorite Hershey Pie for dessert. It was yum and a good time celebrating withy sisters family. Does your family have birthday traditions?
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Things that make me smile / Day 15
My niece Gigi (my nickname for her) is 5 and learning to read and right and lately she's been getting her moms iPhone and sending me sweet little text messages and pictures of herself. I love getting those little messages which almost always say I love Mindy. And this sweet little face always makes me smile. (photo courtesy of Gigi)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Joyful Noise / Day 14
Went to see Joyful Noise today, it was a good movie, some very talented people in the movie and I just love Dolly Parton and Queen Lattifa. Took along 3 of B's best friends, she's having a sleepover for her birthday that's this week. How is it that 4 girls can make so much noise? They really do sound like a herd of elephants upstairs! I guess I should consider it a joyful noise that my daughter has good friends to help celebrate her birthday even if they are loud:)
Friday, January 13, 2012
Things I loathe #159/ Day 13
I loathe snow and cold weather! I know there's barely any snow out there but I can't stand it. I hate to be cold and I hate to wear bulky clothes and coats. That is all.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Quotes / Day 12
I love quotes from famous people, or song lyrics or just regular people, they can be funny or inspirational or just thought provoking.
I love this one from Dr. Suess ~ "Be who you are and say what you mean, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." I mean if you really think about it how true is that? The people who love you love you for you who you are good and bad so you should always be true to that.
I love how my favorite tv show Grey's anatomy always starts with something usually profound and then ends with a follow up to that. Here's one I liked from there: "Communication. It's the first thing we really learn in life. Funny thing is, once we grow up, learn our words and really start talking the harder it becomes to know what to say. Or how to ask for what we really need."
Some I love just because they are funny like " I love everybody. Some I love to be around, some I love to avoid and some I'd love to punch in the face."
ANYWAY the other day I was having a conversation with my daughter about how much she hates the drama at school but still finds herself getting caught up in it. I think its almost an if you can't beat em join em kind of mentality. So I ask her if she had ever heard the quote "Be the change you wish to see in the world." I told her that no matter how hard it seems that is the thought she needs to remember. If she refuses to get caught up in the drama then maybe people will quit trying to draw her in. If she doesn't repeat the behaviors that frustrate her in others then that's one less dramatic situation. Be different and maybe people will start to mimic your behavior. It will be hard for her I think, but if she remembers and applies it even a little I think it can make a difference for her. I think that quote can be thought of on a very large scale and seem intimidating, but that it should be applied to our lives in a much smaller scale. If I want people to be kinder to me I should be kinder to them. If I want my daughter to pick up after herself I shouldn't leave my shoes laying in the floor and just throw my stuff on the counter when I come home. Its really as simple as the little things, that may not seem important in the grand scheme of things, but they do make a difference.
So whats your favorite quote? And how can you be the change you wish to see?
I love this one from Dr. Suess ~ "Be who you are and say what you mean, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." I mean if you really think about it how true is that? The people who love you love you for you who you are good and bad so you should always be true to that.
I love how my favorite tv show Grey's anatomy always starts with something usually profound and then ends with a follow up to that. Here's one I liked from there: "Communication. It's the first thing we really learn in life. Funny thing is, once we grow up, learn our words and really start talking the harder it becomes to know what to say. Or how to ask for what we really need."
Some I love just because they are funny like " I love everybody. Some I love to be around, some I love to avoid and some I'd love to punch in the face."
ANYWAY the other day I was having a conversation with my daughter about how much she hates the drama at school but still finds herself getting caught up in it. I think its almost an if you can't beat em join em kind of mentality. So I ask her if she had ever heard the quote "Be the change you wish to see in the world." I told her that no matter how hard it seems that is the thought she needs to remember. If she refuses to get caught up in the drama then maybe people will quit trying to draw her in. If she doesn't repeat the behaviors that frustrate her in others then that's one less dramatic situation. Be different and maybe people will start to mimic your behavior. It will be hard for her I think, but if she remembers and applies it even a little I think it can make a difference for her. I think that quote can be thought of on a very large scale and seem intimidating, but that it should be applied to our lives in a much smaller scale. If I want people to be kinder to me I should be kinder to them. If I want my daughter to pick up after herself I shouldn't leave my shoes laying in the floor and just throw my stuff on the counter when I come home. Its really as simple as the little things, that may not seem important in the grand scheme of things, but they do make a difference.
So whats your favorite quote? And how can you be the change you wish to see?
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
I got a new car/ Day 11
So I got a new car today. I know my husband didn't really think it was necessary (he's right) but he gave in to me so I want to say a big thank you to him. We had stopped by Glenn Nissan on Saturday evening as they were closing and the salesman took down our info and what we were looking for and he said he'd call on Monday. He called and had exactly what I was looking for. So my husband checked it out on Monday and I went tonight. I liked it so we fairly quickly and painlessly worked out a deal and I got to drive my new (to me) car home. if you need a car I highly recommend Glenn in Lexington, we have bought 4 cars from them over the years and have been pleased. Ask for Shannon and tell him we sent you, he's a great no pressure salesman.
Here she is, she needs a name , any suggestions?
Here she is, she needs a name , any suggestions?
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I love my tv / Day 10
I love my 55 inch tv. I record to many shows on my dvr and spend way too much time watching tv. Some of my favorites are Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Parenthood, New Girl, Modern Family, Whitney and Glee. I will watch pretty much anything on HGTV if nothing else is on and I often get sucked into pointless reality shows. I always like to have it on in the background even if I am doing something else. I don't even think I have a point right now, just that I love my time waster of a massive tv and I love my programs!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Manic Monday / Day 9
It's been a very busy day for me and I am still not home, so I don't have much to say. We had soccer stuff all night, first the high school soccer banquet and then group training in Lexington. Soccer is a huge part of our lives and keeps us very busy. B loves to play and I love to watch and I love even more that she has an opportunity to be part of a team and keep fit and actually enjoy exercise. She's a team player and has great dedication. I am and will always be her #1 fan! Here's a picture of the middle school girls who
played JV this year.
played JV this year.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
I heart my craft room/ Day 8
I have been in my craft room today. I love to craft. I am not saying I am Martha Stewart or anything but I do ok. Today I worked on some gifts I have been meaning to finish since Christmas (not Christmas gifts, just gifts). I also made this cute dry erase weekly calendar that I saw a while ago on Pinterest. My husband and daughter are always asking what's going on this week, now all they have to do is consult the board. I even put the dinner menu on there. It's super easy to make all you need is a 7 or 8 opening frame and some scraps of scrapbook paper cut to fit! Here it is:

So today I have had a quiet day at home watching Juno on the portable DVD player and crafting away. That makes my heart happy, I hope your heart has been happy this Sunday!
My craft room, still up in the air about what to craft for the walls, and I want to get a TV in there so I don't have to turn on the portable DVD player:
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Financial Peace and Car Buying/ Day 7
My husband and I have been on the Dave Ramsey plan financial peace since 2008. If you don't know it you should. We don't use credit cards and we have a budget that if most people saw they'd call us cheap. We have everything we need and most of what we want. We plan for large purchases and can live in the comfort of knowing that we live within our means not frivolously. It is a good plan and it really works for us.
We are both planners, I more short term and he is always thinking ahead. We always research the best we can before moving ahead. Today we went to look at some cars (used of course) because I REALLY want a new (to me) car. It is a want at this point not a need. We have done our research. we know what we want, how much it's worth and how much we want to spend. We NEVER go car shopping unprepared. There are really some shady people out there, not all car salesman are shady but a lot are.
Here are my pet peeves when car shopping:
1)If I walk in and say do you have any used Altimas, do not say, " Why not buy new the financing is great right now?" If new was an option I'd walk on the lot point to a car and say I'll take that blue one with the black leather interior, does it have nav?
2) If I walk ask how much you are asking for a car and you say where do you want your payment to be then you are asking too much.
3) If I tell you I am looking for a used Altima and you try to sell me on any other comparable car I am done with you.
4) If you have a limp handshake I automatically want to ask for a new salesman.
5)Car salesman who don't know what's on their lot or anything about the product they are supposed to be selling. There's a lot of downtime take that time to learn.
I did not get a new car today but am still looking, I know what I want and what I am willing to pay and I will find it and when I do I will have the pice of mind to know that I got a good deal and I can afford my car.
We are both planners, I more short term and he is always thinking ahead. We always research the best we can before moving ahead. Today we went to look at some cars (used of course) because I REALLY want a new (to me) car. It is a want at this point not a need. We have done our research. we know what we want, how much it's worth and how much we want to spend. We NEVER go car shopping unprepared. There are really some shady people out there, not all car salesman are shady but a lot are.
Here are my pet peeves when car shopping:
1)If I walk in and say do you have any used Altimas, do not say, " Why not buy new the financing is great right now?" If new was an option I'd walk on the lot point to a car and say I'll take that blue one with the black leather interior, does it have nav?
2) If I walk ask how much you are asking for a car and you say where do you want your payment to be then you are asking too much.
3) If I tell you I am looking for a used Altima and you try to sell me on any other comparable car I am done with you.
4) If you have a limp handshake I automatically want to ask for a new salesman.
5)Car salesman who don't know what's on their lot or anything about the product they are supposed to be selling. There's a lot of downtime take that time to learn.
I did not get a new car today but am still looking, I know what I want and what I am willing to pay and I will find it and when I do I will have the pice of mind to know that I got a good deal and I can afford my car.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Friendship / Day 6
Having a 7th grader I often find myself thinking about friendships and trying to help her understand that the drama fueled hell that is middle school isn't how real friendship works. I am lucky to have true friendships to hopefully show her what life has in store even when days with much drama bring her down. True friends are not bucket emptiers they are bucket fillers! :)
When I was 14 years old I moved to a new town and had to start my first day of high school without knowing anyone, but I think God knew what he was doing because in Law and Justice I sat next to a sweet girl and we smelled beer (on our teacher) together all year. For the next four years we goofed off, learned a little, made mixed tapes, had sleepovers, made our own card company and only had one fight. Then we graduated, I had a baby and sadly life took us in different directions. Then in 2007 I had to get a new license and there was my sweet friend again. Through MySpace we reconnected and from the first meal together at Mi Mexico it was like the. 8 years apart never happened. And that's what true friendship is. We always have fun together, we can vent to each other, we can be ourselves without being judged and we always have each others backs (oh yeah and we're blogging 366 times this year together.)
Todays picture is of a super cute heartfelt card that I got in the mail today, no it's not my birthday or anniversary and clearly it's not a holiday. Just because cards mean the most and usually only come from true friends. True friends thank you for being their friend when really their friendship is thanks enough. I thank God every day for helping us rekindle our friendship and I hope my friend knows how truly blessed I feel to have her in my life and to know that I never have to question what true friendship means because she shows me all the time. My bucket is full today!!
When I was 14 years old I moved to a new town and had to start my first day of high school without knowing anyone, but I think God knew what he was doing because in Law and Justice I sat next to a sweet girl and we smelled beer (on our teacher) together all year. For the next four years we goofed off, learned a little, made mixed tapes, had sleepovers, made our own card company and only had one fight. Then we graduated, I had a baby and sadly life took us in different directions. Then in 2007 I had to get a new license and there was my sweet friend again. Through MySpace we reconnected and from the first meal together at Mi Mexico it was like the. 8 years apart never happened. And that's what true friendship is. We always have fun together, we can vent to each other, we can be ourselves without being judged and we always have each others backs (oh yeah and we're blogging 366 times this year together.)
Todays picture is of a super cute heartfelt card that I got in the mail today, no it's not my birthday or anniversary and clearly it's not a holiday. Just because cards mean the most and usually only come from true friends. True friends thank you for being their friend when really their friendship is thanks enough. I thank God every day for helping us rekindle our friendship and I hope my friend knows how truly blessed I feel to have her in my life and to know that I never have to question what true friendship means because she shows me all the time. My bucket is full today!!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Things I loathe #254.... School Projects/ Day 5
I really hate it when my daughter comes home and says there's a new school project to do. It without a doubt means I need to spend money, be imaginative, and force her to find the motivation to get it done. I just don't remember having to do so many projects when I was in school. I have to say I hate the science ones the most! Give me a history project any day! Mostly I think a) I have control issues b) I think my daughter did not get my crafty gene, she's way smart but not artistically inclined at all, so my involvement ends up being more than I would like it to be. Anyway here is our latest project on the Earths layers. Hope we get a good grade..... and any teachers reading this should know parents hate projects.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Day 3/ New Years Resolutions
Ok, so your probably wondering why a picture of Mt. Dew has already made an appearance here, no I haven't already run out of things to photograph and I promise more interesting photos to come, but I really do have a point.
If you know me you know that I LOVE Mt. Dew, I would say I am addicted, it is defintiely a vice. So being the time for New Years Resolutions I got to thinking. I think that people make resolutions with good intentions, but we all know that most get broken, heck its the 3rd day of the year and I bet most people have already broken a resolution. My decision this year was NOT to give up Mt. Dew, because honestly I knew there was little possibility that would actually happen. I will try to cut back..... maybe, somebody has to buy pop my husband works for Pepsi and our livelyhood depends on it. Anyway, I am rambling so back to the point. This year is the year of no resolutions for me. I have things personal to me that I want to work on this year. I think its all about the journey so whether or not I am successful at my goals everyday is not important, but making sure I better myself and if I have an off day I can pick it up again tomorrow and try to do better. A friend of mine ask on Facebook the other day what your word of 2012 would be, after much thought I think my word will be kind, I want to be kinder to people, which may be hard sometimes as I am not always dealing with the smartest people but I will try.
What is your goal this year? Or what would be your word for 2012?
Monday, January 2, 2012
My B and Smash Journals / Day 2
Day 2 my picture is of my beautiful daughter B, who will likely be the subject of many of these photos, (she's almost 13, I can hardly stand it!) and her new Smash journal. What is a Smash journal you may be asking. Well I happened upon them in Michaels the other day (I am obsessed with Michaels and all things crafty) and decided to look them up and see what they were all about. Its kind of a journal, scrapbook, non digital pinterest rolled into one(or whatever you want to make it I guess). They have all these awesome cute accessories to go with them, and better yet they are totally affordable (I also LOVE a good deal!) I want one for myself, but B says that I am too old (I probably will get one anyway :). What do you think? Anyway check them out for yourself here because no explanation I can give can show you how cool they are (or at least I think they are.)
Also speaking of cool things check out my BFF Natashas blog Snapp Shots here as she joins me in this 366 day challenge (her day 1 picture is beautiful). Natasha if you are reading this I think you would love a Smash journal! :)
Also speaking of cool things check out my BFF Natashas blog Snapp Shots here as she joins me in this 366 day challenge (her day 1 picture is beautiful). Natasha if you are reading this I think you would love a Smash journal! :)
Sunday, January 1, 2012
WELCOME / Photo Challenge Day 1
Welcome to my 2012 photo challenge blog. I realised that I didn't take very many pictures this past year so I wanted to challenge myself to take a picture everyday this year and make a blog of them. I am by no means a photographer, nor do I own a fancy camera. I am just a normal working mom and wife with not enough hours in most days. I will probably post a lot of crazy pictures taken with my Iphone as it is what is most often handy. I hope that you come back and enjoy seeing what ever randomness I have decided to post each day.
Here is my picture for today, taken at our New Years gathering at my sisters house of two very dear friends of ours who sat on the loveseat together but didn't want to seem too close so they put a wall of pillows between themselves. (It was funny but probably a you had to be there moment.)
Here is my picture for today, taken at our New Years gathering at my sisters house of two very dear friends of ours who sat on the loveseat together but didn't want to seem too close so they put a wall of pillows between themselves. (It was funny but probably a you had to be there moment.)
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