Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3/ New Years Resolutions

Ok, so your probably wondering why a picture of Mt. Dew has already made an appearance here, no I haven't already run out of things to photograph and I promise more interesting photos to come, but I really do have a point. 

If you know me you know that I LOVE Mt. Dew,  I would say I am addicted, it is defintiely a vice. So being the time for New Years Resolutions I got to thinking.  I think that people make resolutions with good intentions, but we all know that most get broken, heck its the 3rd day of the year and I bet most people have already broken a resolution.  My decision this year was NOT to give up Mt. Dew, because honestly I knew there was little possibility that would actually happen.  I will try to cut back..... maybe, somebody has to buy pop my husband works for Pepsi and our livelyhood depends on it.  Anyway, I am rambling so back to the point.  This year is the year of no resolutions for me. I have things personal to me that I want to work on this year.  I think its all about the journey so whether or not I am successful at my goals everyday is not important, but making sure I better myself and if I have an off day I can pick it up again tomorrow and try to do better.  A friend of mine ask on Facebook the other day what your word of 2012 would be, after much thought I think my word will be kind, I want to be kinder to people, which may be hard sometimes as I am not always dealing with the smartest people but I will try.

What is your goal this year? Or what would be your word for 2012?

1 comment:

  1. You actually talked me into wanting a Mountain Dew! LOL! Since your husband works for Pepsi, I will refrain from saying what I actually am drinking. :) My goal is to help people...not really help people, but actually WANT to help them! My word would be "contentment" because that is totally what I long for! Good post!! LOVE IT!
